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20 Nutrients That Help Purify The Body

The following nutrients have several beneficial properties that help the body to detox, control appetite, boost energy and promote an improved metabolism.

Nobody should have to accept fatigue, unexplained weight gain, and low mood, as part of every day life.

These things are NOT “normal” and there are natural ways to fight back, and gain back the body, energy and happiness that you deserve.

Here is the first nutrient…

Nutrient #1: Graviola (Leaf)

7 Benefits of Graviola Leaf

Graviola is a type of fruit, and the leaf from it is often served as a tea (or in soup form), and has been used as a remedy for 100s of years.

This is because of the following reported benefits:

  1. Promotes an anti inflammatory response
  2. Supports the immune system
  3. High in fiber (helps keep people regular)
  4. Anti oxidants, including Coenzymen Q10, helps clear free radicals from the body
  5. Increased energy levels (Energizing properties from minerals and vitamins such as B1, B2, C and Magnesium)
  6. Helps maintain healthy joints and nerves (rich in potassium which aids hydration and calcium for strong bones)
  7. Assists blood circulation, and elevates the metabolism.

Ways to consume Graviola Leaf:

  1. Taking in ‘tea’ form
  2. Using this as a soup ingredient
  3. As part of a supplement. This is sometimes used as an ingredient in a well thought out nutritional complex.

Graviola is a type of fruit, and the leaf from it is often served as a tea (or in soup form), and has been used as a remedy for 100s of years.

Graviola is one of 20 powerful nutrients in this series.

ALL 20 of these nutrients are contained inside the ProVen Nutritional Complex that we recommend.

To get ProVen for yourself (or to check out more details), follow the link below.

Watch Video About ProVen Nutrient Complex

Graviola is one of 20 Nutrients in this series.

Click the ‘Next Nutrient’ button below to check out the next beneficial nutrient:

Next Nutrient Watch Video


Asif Khurshid Qazi, Jawed A Siddiqui, Rahat Jahan, Sanjib Chaudhary, Larry A Walker, Zafar Sayed, Dwight T Jones, Surinder K Batra, Muzafar A Macha, Emerging therapeutic potential of graviola and its constituents…, Carcinogenesis, Volume 39, Issue 4, April 2018, Pages 522–533

Mohammed, Razan MH, Magda M. Noshy, and Hanan RH Mohamed. “Inhibition of Human Breast C. Cells proliferation by Graviola crude extract.” Recent Research in Genetics and Genomics 1.1 (2019): 1-7.

Mokhtar, Sherihan Hamdy. “Evaluation of the protective effect of graviola on the deleterous effect of diabetes and insulin gene expression in submandibular salivary glands of albino rats-(animal study).” CU Theses (2020).

Chunhua Yang, Sushma Reddy Gundala, Rao Mukkavilli, Subrahmanyam Vangala, Michelle D. Reid, Ritu Aneja, Synergistic interactions among flavonoids and acetogenins in Graviola (Annona muricata) leaves confer protection against…, Carcinogenesis, Volume 36, Issue 6, June 2015, Pages 656–665

Y. R. Son, E. H. Choi, G. T. Kim, T. S. Park, and S. M. Shim, “Bioefficacy of Graviola leaf extracts in scavenging free radicals and upregulating antioxidant genes,” Food & Function, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 861–871, 2016.

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