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Nutrient #20: Magnesium Stearate

7 Benefits of Magnesium Stearate

Magnesium Stearate is a food additive that is often used in medications, foods, and supplements. It helps from the ingredients in the capsules and the capsules themselves from sticking together.

This is because of the following reported benefits:

  1. It is used as a ‘flow agent’ for pills, capsules, and other medications and food items.
  2. It is also used as an emulsifier and a binding agent.
  3. It helps speed up the manufacturing of medicines, supplements, and food items.
  4. It helps enhance the ‘therapeutic effects’ of most medications.
  5. When used as coating for medication, it helps make pills easier to swallow.
  6. Only a very small amount is used in tablets, and pills.
  7. It keeps capsules and tablets from sticking together.

Ways to consume use Magnesium Stearate:

  1. It is found in most medicines and tablets.
  2. It is also found in a number of commercially prepared food items.

Magnesium Stearate is one of 20 powerful nutrients in this series.

ALL 20 of these nutrients are contained inside the ProVen Nutritional Complex that we recommend.

To get ProVen for yourself (or to check out more details), follow the link below.

Watch Video About ProVen Nutrient Complex Previous Nutrient


Qu, Li, et al. "Investigation of the potential for direct compaction of a fine ibuprofen powder dry-coated with magnesium stearate." Drug development and industrial pharmacy 41.5 (2015): 825-837.

Zhou, Qi Tony, et al. "Effect of surface coating with magnesium stearate via mechanical dry powder coating approach on the aerosol performance of micronized drug powders from dry powder inhalers." Aaps Pharmscitech 14.1 (2013): 38-44.

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